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3489_youngdong_scene analysis(700 words)-resubmit

**Posted by Youngdong Kim at 4:34 AM

Scene analysis
Scene overview
In that Scene, a bride and several people have been lying down the floor with bleeding. Sheriff comes to investigate that case. The sheriff finds out the bride is alive. The bride is in the hospital. And one woman who is wearing raincoat is coming into the hospital building.
Scene analysis



- Setting: There are many police cars and a ambulance. In that scene, we can get this sheriff
was quite late. 4 colorful sunglasses.
4 colorful sunglasses mean his view points are wide and he is a flawless expert.
- Costume: Colorful feathers are on this sheriff’s hat. It shows he is on a high position like a superior sheriff.
All policemen are wearing hats like cowboys. So we can get it is in a dessert like in Texas.
- Lighting: Outside and inside of the church’s lighting is natural lighting. But it is blurry bright like a dream. The director may not like this tragic even though his another movies are brutal and cruel.
- Actors’ performances: One sheriff is briefing an incident, and another sheriff is looking around the place. And he guesses what happened in that church quite correctly.
- Sound: Linear and non-linear sound. Non-linear sound is American country sound that we can feel it is in a dessert.

- Shot type: It was aerial shot, extremely long shot and long shot. It changes to medium shot after then close up and medium shot again.
- Camera movement: In extremely long shot, it was panning. In medium shot, it was hand-held. In close up, it was tracking.
- Camera angle: The camera angle was positioning equals to characters. When the sheriff is looking down the bride, the camera angle is low angle.
- Depth of field: Deep focus. We can see entire thing clearly actually little blur because of natural light.

- Long take.



- Setting: It shows cruel murders in the church. Normally it won’t happen in a church. So it tells us the murders that killed all people in the church at that time are merciless.
- Costume: She is wearing a wedding dress. It was a wedding or something like a wedding. She is pregnant as well.
- Lighting: Natural light.
- Actors’ performances: When the superior sheriff was close to her, she spitted on the sheriff’s face. That shows the bride was alive.
- Sound: Linear sound. Creaking sound when the character’s moving. The church was constructed long time ago.

- Shot type: Close up and medium shot.
- Camera movement: None
- Camera angle: High angle and low angle.
- Depth of field: Shallow focus (when close up the sheriff) and landscape focus (when the camera angle was low)
- When the color’s change, green color film had been in front of camera and it moved away. I think it was not an editing skill.

- Long take.



- Setting: There is a white and clean hospital.
- Costume: The woman who is wearing raincoat which is drawn and we can see white and blue clothes. We can recognize it is a hospital.
- Lighting: Electric light.
- Actors’ performances: A woman is getting into the hospital with red umbrella and she is whistling.
- Sound: Linear sound. The actor is whistling. Red umbrella and creepy whistling make a scary atmosphere.

- Shot type: Medium shot and close up.
- Camera movement: Tracking
- Camera angle: Normal angle
- Depth of field: Shallow focus

- None special editing skills.


- Setting: Same hospital.
- Costume: Same costume at scene 3
- Lighting: Electric light.
- Actors’ performances: A woman is crossing the hallway with red umbrella and she is whistling.
- Sound: Linear sound. The actor is whistling. Red umbrella and creepy whistling make a scary atmosphere.

- Shot type: Medium shot and close up.
- Camera movement: Tracking
- Camera angle: Normal angle and low angle.
- Depth of field: Shallow focus

- None special editing skills.

Deconstructed meaning:

1. The sheriff has 5 sunglasses, include one he is wearing. It tells us he has many kinds of view-point when he investigates. That means he is professional.
2. The scene’s colour’s changed (green to natural). It was green, but when he takes off his sunglasses, light becomes natural. It means we thought she’d been dead, but she is alive.
3. Red umbrella. A woman is getting into the hospital with a red umbrella. Red colour represents passion, blood, violence and etc. In this case, it means she is going to kill somebody.
4. Raincoat. The woman is wearing a raincoat which is drawn, not real. It says this movie is like a cartoon.

Bibliography: Week3, 4 lecture note


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