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**Posted by Amel at 3:57 AM

Character Analysis
Created by : Gladys Amelia (3862)

I choose a character called Rapunzel from a film by Walt Disney Animation Studio, Tangled.

Rapunzel Personality
Rapunzel is one of the main character from this movie and she is a protagonist. She is an artistic person, because she likes to draw or paint, making cloths, candle, and she also play guitar. Rapunzel is very eager to see the world, the world out side of the tower. She is so passionate about a quest to see the world and see the lanterns. She also had a bestfriend, a chameleon called pascal.

Story of Rapunzel's life
The King and Queen had a baby, but when the queen is pregnant she almost died. The only medicine that can heal the queen is a magical flower, which mother Gothel have hidden it for herself, because that flower can keep her stay young. Then someone found that flower and gave it to the queen. She ate the flower and have a baby that has a golden hair, but mother Gothel kidnap her, because her hair can keep mother Gothel stay young.

Rapunzel is being grounded for life by mother Gothel. She is always wanderin
g what is the outside world looks like. Each year on her birthday she always saw a different star flowing in the air, and she is so curious about those stars. Actually those stars were lanterns that the king and queen gave to make her daughter knows the way home.

One day Rapunzel met Flynn Rider, a bandit.
She asked him to take her see the world. They head out to see the lanterns. Rapunzel is so excited to go out of the tower. At first she was scared, than when she felt the grass and the air and the nature, she just forgot about everything. She continued her wild adventure and incredible journey together with Flynn.

Along the way Rapunzel got some trouble with mother Gothel and few Flynn's enemies, but with the help of Rapunzel's hair they can get out of the trouble. Rapunzel is a nice and always want to know about the kingdom. when she got into the kingdom and meet a lot of people, she was so happy. In the end she finally knew about mother Gothel's lies and Flynn cut Rapunzel's hair and they life happily ever after in the kingdom. Rapunzel is being a princess that always nice and she always help her people.

Rapunzel is an intersting character because she has a 70ft hair that can heal people and can glow. She a a wonder full dream.,a dream of seeing the outside world, and the trouble that she gets to reach her destination.


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