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3511_debbie_Scene analysis

**Posted by Debbie at 5:34 AM

Scene Analysis

I would like to take something about Lost in Translation. The scene which I’m going to analyze is the last few minutes of the movie.

Scene about the leading people is going to be separated to each other. The man sitting in the car saw the girl the crowdy street, and then he came out to the girl. They hug, kiss and talked a little bit, then left each other in the street.

At first I would like to talk about the Mise-en scene.

In this scene, the first attract us is the crowdy main street. Many people, shops, busy traffic. The man can see the girl from inside car, it tells us they are the two people that are so special, so secluded from this city. And shows that the girl is so important to the man. The car using here I think also shows the difference class between the man and the girl. He is at the high class of the society, but not the girl. It can be told the position is not that important in their relationship.

The actors here are mean to perform how the strong feelings they want to let each other know. The hug here is the best way to express the emotions. The time at the last they go away to their Owen worlds, they were both smiling coz they already got what they need, the understand between each other.

Sound at the first is the crowdy background. Its like the leadings are so separate from this city. They do not care about what ever happen around them but each other. Then some music came out when they said goodbye to each other then turn around. the music keep going to the end of the movie. It is a kind of light music that tells us their mood at that moment both are good, even happy.

The lighting in this scene is normal. It is a simply fine story that can easily happen in any people's daily life. Coz almost all the people in the world do feel lonely in somehow case. It is like a real story that happens in a real world. So the lighting here just normal using the original color and lighting.

Then I am going to talk about the Cinema Tography.

In this scene many medium shot are used. And then they hug each other using the long shot. The long shot here take the leading actors inside and the background street. The camera focus them so that make background blur shows like there are only them two in this world however the world here is pretty much crowdy.

The camera movement in this scene used tracking. The camera follow the man actor from he get out of the car until he find and close to the actress. Then the camera turn around like from the actress's side to see the actor. Using these techniques to perform how is that and the process of their meeting each other. In the end of the movie, the man go back to his car with smiling on his face, the camera begin to move to the buildings, the scenery outside. To take around this modern city shows like the camera just follow the man's eyes sight to let us have a look at this city again. But this time is not feeling that lonely, instead, there seems like contains some special emotion inside. And the camera angle here used the low angle to take the big city outside the car. The main idea here maybe is to start with the man's eyesight to take around this city. And from the actor transit to the city stuffs through the man's eyesight as well.


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