- Patrick Bateman, peeling his facial mask in American Psycho.
Greetings fellow analysts,
So this week, instead of having discussion of our weekly movie, Taxi Driver, we had a 2 hour lecture about deconstruction, as this will be your first assignment.
Remember: If you are still confused about deconstruction, just think about an onion. An onion is like a film. It can be understood by just the first layer of skin; however, you are able to peel the onion deeper and deeper - until there is nothing left to peel off.
Check JIVI for your due date. It is set to be before your Christmas break (17th December), but you should check JIVI in case the date changes.
This gives you 2 weeks and a bit to work on your assignment, which should be a minimum of 700 words long. (Thats pretty much 2 pages including screenshots and a introduction/conclusion... Easy..)

For our deconstruction lecture, we had a guest lecturer - Dr Bennett - who came in to talk to you guys. He agreed to deconstruct his very own real Ed Hardy T-shirt, so consider yourself lucky if you felt it. (Your not allowed to feel it when Dr Bennett wears it... Don't even try... Its scary)
Dr Bennett loves deconstructing things, especially films, because he is one of those people who has an eye for detail, and loves to know every single tiny bit of fact. So you can nickname him
The Deconstructor next time you see him!
Now I have noticed that you guys arn't really being active on the blog - Yes, even if you have posted a movie analysis already - You should still be checking the blog at least twice a week, and commenting on my posts or other student's posts!
You can even post up things that relate to films we saw in class, like if you know a really cool fact about a film, and Dray doesn't know, please post it. Someone will read it. (Um, I guess that someone is me... ><)
Well you guys should at least be deciding what scene you want to analyse, and next week for the movie viewing, we are watching Lost In Translation by Sofia Coppola. Then in tutorial, we are going to look at past Scene Analyses, as well as discuss the two films we just viewed.
Any questions about anything, please comment at the bottom, OR email!!!
- Dray

PS: If you were interested in the two films we presented during Deconstruction, the first one is called American Psycho by Mary Harron , and Rules Of Attraction by Roger Avary. Both films are based on the novels by Brett Easton-Ellis, a dude with a really crazy imagination. That's why I had to see him in person. Cheers!
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