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3587_Hyeonjin_Billy Elliot

**Posted by Hyeonjin at 1:26 AM

Billy Elliot (2000)

Director: Stephen Daldry

Actors: Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot), Julie Walters (Mrs Wilkinson), Gary Lewis (Jacky Elliot)


There’s 11yrs old boy, Billy Elliot, who live in small minor town with his 3 family members, grandmother who has Alzheimer, older brother and father who used to work for mining industry but are striking now.

His father wants him to learn a boxing to make himself stronger as what normal men in his town do, but he meets Mrs Wilkinson, a ballet teacher, and starts to fall into the ballet…


I want to say this movie’s theme is ‘Dream and Love’. Young Billy finds what he wants to do and be, and people around him help him with unconditional love to make his dream comes true. Also, to help this theme, there’s a pair of ballet shoes given by Mrs Wilkinson, and this ballet shoes show that it is symbol of Billy’s dream, connection with Mrs Wilkinson, and what Billy really wants to do but has to overcome against his father’s disagreement.

As a narrative, this movie has linear structure, restricted point of view, one protagonist Billy, and one antagonist Jacky Elliot protagonist’s father but this antagonist will be changed in the end of the movie as helping protagonist we can also see that this movie’s theme is love in this part especially when antagonist helps protagonist.

Unfortunately, since I couldn’t find this movie’s detail information, I can’t say when the background age of this movie is for sure but I can guess it is a story in 1970s at least because, there’re many ‘mise-en-sen’ showed me the age of this movie for example, protagonist’s older brother listens to boogie pop in the movie, protagonist wear jean jacket and pants symbol fashion item of 1970s, this movie used T-Rex’s song, and etc. and general mood of this movie is a bit dark because of using England’s unclear natural light as main light, and some of calm and a bit sad mood of music as a back ground music.

At the last, this movie showed me how important love and dream is so well through these movie techniques as I mentioned above, and I’m pretty sure that it will work to any other audiences too.


Currently have 1 comments:

  1. dr.dray says:

    Excellent post. I've seen this film a long time ago, and I'd love to see it again soon. It's a story about inner conflict as well as trying to reach dreams & hopes. So the theme for love and dream works well throughout this film.

    This film is set in the 80's, 1984 to be exact. But you were close!

    Great job again with analyzing!

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