The Movie I choose is "Coroline", the stop motion movie. The color theme of this movie is cold colors; main is blue because it want to show how blue Coroline feel and what is she think about others (Coroline thinks that nobody understand her and she feels lonely). The evironment is the houses that Coroline lives (also blue color) but there are 2 houses one is old and real place and another is new but it is an imagination of Coroline combine with the witch's magic. The old house has many broken things to show that Coorline family dosen't have a lot of money whereas the new one has completed facilities that Coroline wants to show Coroline desire compared with the old one.
A great stop motion film. Its a great depiction of an alternate reality world that can really fool you at first! I thought it was quite scary haha.. but thats the magic of mise-en-scene.