"Do you like pineapple?"
This week we had our introduction to what mise-en-scene is... And looked at the five elements:
- Setting (set, props, colour)
- Costume (clothing, hair, makeup)
- Lighting (three-point lighting & natural light)
- Actor's performance (facial expressions, movement, gestures)
- Sound (diegetic & non-diegetic)
Then we went through briefly the story of Chungking Express, this week's viewing directed by Wong Kar Wai. There is alot more to analyse in the film, and if we have time next week we will go through a deeper analysis of the film.
Chungking Express is highly acclaimed for having 2 plotlines combined in 1 movie, and even if it was confusing and felt unnecessary, it is one of those films you need to watch again to get a better understanding of.
If you watch the ending closely... Has anyone noticed the ring on Faye's finger? What do you think that means? =O
See you next week for our next film viewing: Full Metal Jacket.
- Dray
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