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3621_Mirinda_LORD OF THE RINGS

**Posted by Mirinda at 5:52 AM

Directed by Peter Jackson

Produce by Peter Jackson, Barrie M. Osborne, Fran Walsh, Mark Ordesky, Tim Sanders (The Fellowship of the Ring)

Written by Novel J.R.R. Tolkien

Screenplay: Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Peter Jackson, Stephen Sinclair (The Two Towers)

Music by Howard Shore

Studio WingNut Films, The Saul Zaentz Company

Distributed by New Line Cinema (Warner Bros.)

Release date(s) 2001-2003

Running time Theatrical: 558 minutes, Extended Edition: 683 Minutes

Language English

Budget US$285 million

Gross revenue US$2,915,155,189


Lord of the rings consists of three films. It's about hobbit Frodo Baggins who has to destroy a One Ring. In his journey also has fellowship are Aragorn(Human), Boromir(Human), Meriadoc 'Merry'Brandybuck(Hobbit), Samwise Gamgee(Hobbit), Gandalf(Wizard), Gimli(Dwarves), Legolas(Elf) and Peregrin 'pipin' Took(Hobbit). They are try to protect Frodo from enemy each of them have a differrent talent. Unfortunately, some of fellowship want to possess the ring because they are induced by the power of the ring. So, Frodo decide to go alone but Sam stills worry about him. So, Sam try to do everything to go with Frodo.

Gollum ,was a ring owner, always follow Frodo because he wants to steal the ring back. He makes Frodo and Sam mistaken each others. During the journey Frodo has a lot of barriers he has to pass all of them untill reach the Vocanic Mount Doom.


Lord of the rings combine from Lord means leader and ring refer to One Ring. It is about 20 rings but only one has a strongest power. So, most of people want to possess it to become a leader. One Ring is the beginning of all.

Friendship is a theme of this movie as we can see the fellowship always helps each other such as; when Boromir was controled by power of the ring then Aragon remined him to aviod from the ring. Secondly, nearly end Sam never care himself he jumps into the river to follow Frodo's boat. Double sidedness is another theme, Frodo is the main character can represent this theme. Normally, all human have both side are good and bad. In the film Frodo play with his friend same as other people in his village. They are happy but when he go to the dark side, is under control by the ring. we can see from his face, emotion and eyes change. He looks very scary not friendly at all his eyes look like ogre and also he is angry easily. Another person is Gollum, before he didn't have the ring he had a lot of friend and he was a normal hobbit. After he has been control by the ring he killed all of his friends because he was fear someone will steall his ring and his apperance become very ugry.

Ring is a motif of this film refer to characters want to get the ring or want to be a leader. It leads ruin and war to the world. As Mordor, he kills everyone just because he wants to rule the world. In contrast, with out the ring peace come to theirlife. Every single scene when we see the ring we can also feel sad mood, unhappy and hopeless but in some scene don't have the ring we can see the characters are happy. They laugh and smile.

This movie is a restricted narrative which has Sam as a narrator. From the begining we hear someone telling the story and at the end of movie we will find out that Sam is guy and writting the end of the story in Frodo's diary. Narrative stucture is linere. Beginging is Frodo assign to destroy the One Ring. And then in the middle he travels across the land from his village to Vocanic Mount Doom. Climax of this film is he stand on the top of Vocanic and fight with his desire. Resolution is the ring has been destroy and peace come to the world. Protagonist is Frodo the main character who try to protect the world and Antagonist is Mordor enemy who want to rule the world.

MISE-EN-SCENE consist of five elements. The first one is setting, forest is the scene represent how hard for Frodo's journey are. He doesn' have a car also he can't fly the way he use is walk. Another scene is Arwan's house he sleeps on the beautiful bed everything is convenient. It mean not really easy for you to achieve your goal. You might have to pass a lot of barrier however after that you will find a beautiful life. Second element is custome in the movie each gene wearing differrent style. Also, some character wear cuirass to protect themselves. I think it can represent as every culture have their own unique but we can still live together and human need securily as well. Third element is lighting in this movie most of scene use nature ambiance light. But still in some scene use high key lighting such as in Arwen's house. In this point we can feel clam the director wants to cut our feeling from sadness to be happieness. The fourth element is actor performance Frodo has got a strong heart he has to protect himself from ring's power. This performance express as if you have a strong heart you are self control. Sam ,is a Frodo's bestfriend, always beside Frodo to prevent him from danger. If you have a friend you should take care, understand and advise them to right way. Last element is sound.


Currently have 2 comments:

  1. dr.dray says:

    This is an amazing post. Wow, didn't expect to get a really great analysis yet! VERY impressed.

    You detailed most of the mise-en-scene elements as well as the theme, motif and narrative structure/voice of Lord of the Rings. Your paragraphs are also organised correctly and I actually learnt new stuff! Wow.

    I am not really a LOTR fan, but I admire the production design and the hard work of the director, Peter Jackson.

    You will have no problem when you do your scene analysis assignment. Very happy!

  1. Mirinda says:

    Thx, Actually I really don't know how to do it,just try. So, if you have anything to suggest me could you please please please tell me then I can go to the correctly way that you expect to see. I want to improve because somebody told me this subject is hard.

    Goodnight Dr. Dray

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