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#3597_Perfume: the story of a murderer

**Posted by MichelleGAO at 6:28 AM

Hero Grenouille was born in French fish market. He has a sharp sense of smell when beginning his born. Smelly or fragrant, he can remember and easily distinguish all the different odors. But Grenouille found he body no smell. therefore, he was fascinated by smell. His mother abandons him when he was born. Orphanage sold him to cobbler when he was 13 years old. After that his apprenticeship in a perfume shop, he learned one method to keep the smell. when Grenouille discovers that method cannot keep the scents of all objects, he becomes depressed. At the same time, his way fascinated by a girl's smell. Grenouille want to preserve a girl's scent forever. Finally, he becomes a murderer. This film gives me the most felling that who abandoned him all non-natural death when he left. That a really great film, I recommend everyone to see it.


Currently have 1 comments:

  1. dr.dray says:

    This sounds very chilly... I havn't seen it but have read reviews about it. Good cast, and I love the director - Tom Tykwer (The International, Run Lola Run) so i really should see this film. Like really should.

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